June 2, 2016
But First – The 2 Things That Will Make Your Career Soar!
Whether you work for a small company, a large organization or are an entrepreneur, understanding the keys to advancing your career or business will make the journey of your work life not only more enjoyable but will produce amazing results.
Earning more money and receiving promotions are the two things that most people focus on when mastering the art of Career Success. The punch line is simple and I won’t make you read further to hear it. This is the most effective way to Save Your Job! The two keys to a tremendously successful career are Positioning and Influence.
Within our PIVOT ™ model – Positioning and Influence are the foundation for your desired success. It took me a tremendous amount of frustration and several years to figure this out. I always blamed a number of other issues for the reason I was being passed over for promotions and why I earned less money than my counterparts. I don’t want to see you go through that painful learning curve.
Besides the more frequent and larger raises I began receiving and the promotions that seemed to find me. I also found an even bigger benefit to applying these principles of Positioning and Influence. The biggest benefit you will gain from using these keys to career success is peace of mind. That my friend is priceless. Of course not all stress and work issues disappear. But, the ease in which promotions and raises will come to you is a benefit that will foster incredible peace of mind.
Master these techniques of Positioning and Influence and you’ll find it the best investment of time and learning you could possibly make. This will set you apart from the competition.
While others will struggle to get noticed and make an impact, your Positioning and Influencing skills will move you further and faster up your career ladder than the average ambitious individual.
Imagine having your choice to work the job or position that aligns much closer to your true desire and career goals. That’s a feeling not many people get to experience.
Before we go into our fool proof method of establishing perfect Positioning and creating maximum Influence, we must cover a few things related to what ‘not to do.’
Avoiding these career killing Deadly Sins must be done before and during your quest for proper Positioning and Influence. Some may seem obvious on the surface, but failure to pay attention to these five career killers will negate what you will learn from me about perfect positioning and massive influence. So here they are. Read them carefully and follow them closely.
Avoid #1: Aligning with the wrong person(s) at work
Whereas you may have a great relationship with your boss or another leader in the organization, it is imperative that you are also aligned with the power player(s) of your org, company or industry. When you are connected to the right power player then (in military terms) you will have solid dependable ‘air cover’ when your organization goes through stress or change – which is actually the norm and not the exception. This is a part of what the Positioning strategy will do for you. In a future release I will show you exactly how to select the right power player to align with – as well as the easiest and most effective way to Influence them, even if you are not running in their circle today.
Avoid #2: Sex, drugs and politics
I know this seems obvious but studies have shown that a high number of failed or stalled careers are attributed to one of these issues. Of course your company has or should have HR policies regarding most of these. But you would be surprised how many people are violating these policies regarding Sex and Drug use on a regular bases.
Some are coming to work under the influence from time to time. Some may be having an affair with a co-worker. Some may simply have very strong political views that they are not ashamed or hesitant to share.
Sharing your politics is not usually a policy violation, but if done incorrectly can have the same effect. Try not to let your political views alienate you from your co-workers. Don’t be paranoid but be aware how your views may be in direct conflict with the company culture. Be yourself but be aware of the predominant political tenor of the organization and conduct yourself accordingly.
Avoid #3: Being a minority…
Of course simply ‘being a minority’ is not something to avoid, nor can you. However, playing the minority card when things are not going according to plan can set your career back and in some cases it can be unrecoverable.
If you become known as ‘that person’ who blames your circumstance or treatment on race, gender, sexual orientation, physical abilities or other differences, then you could be setting yourself up to be seen in a light that can silently kill your career.
Avoid #4: Becoming someone you feel you’re expected to be
One of the worst things you can do is lose yourself in trying to be what you think your boss wants in order to win favor. Your character, leadership style and values are never to be compromised. Doing so will create unnecessary stress for you and will result in inconsistencies that others will simply view as poor leadership. If you cannot find a way to stay true to your values while integrating into the company culture, then it may be time for some soul searching or maybe some job searching. Trying to stick it out could hurt your career in the long run.
Avoid #5: Keeping a low profile while expecting your job performance to carry you
A great job performance works well if your job is producing widgets. At the lower levels in an organization high productivity is often rewarded. However at the middle management level and above, the more you are seen doing the right thing is the best prescription for a healthy career. Being invisible may feel safe but will slow you down from moving further in your career and earning more money. If you’re not an outgoing person and find it difficult to connect with other workers, it will show and it will hold you back.
The good news is – ‘These 5 Things To Avoid’ are not difficult things to avoid. Secondly it’s also true that all of ‘These 5 Things’ apply to Large Company employees (all levels), Small Business owners and to Entrepreneurs within their industry.
To get your personal copy of this report Go To: www.GetYourRaiseNow.com
For more secret insights to Career Success visit us at www.ClarenceCaldwell.com
Clarence Caldwell B.S., MBA, CHPC, CDBC, CTLC, CLOA, CMS
Executive Coach / Speaker / Author / Life Mentor / Good Guy
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