October 21, 2014
How many times have you witnessed leaders demonstrating strength, focus and what can only be described as wisdom that seems almost effortless? Think of that one mentor or leader you look up to and see if these qualities are there. Among other great characteristics I am sure these are among them. What you are witnessing is someone that is tapped into their authentic self. They have learned that to be a strong leader you must have more than powerful connections. You must have inner strength. They have learned that clarity and focus are not handed down via the latest strategic plan, but that it comes from inner conviction and vision. They have also learned that Data is just that – Data. They know that even when the data is translated to become information that the information is merely that – information. The gifted leader taps into their own experience and observations to make sense of the information, then interprets it in a way that connects to their inner wisdom. These subtle differences in the way some leaders lead cannot always be measured or quantified, but can always be seen. We recognize these people as great leaders but cannot always put a finger on what it is that makes them great. Simply put – they are leading from the inside – Leadership is an inside job!
Clarence Caldwell
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