January 31, 2014
I am so very grateful for all that I am.
I am so very grateful for all that I have.
I am so very grateful for all that I am able to do.
I am so very happy with my life.
I am so very healthy.
I am so very wealthy.
I have all the love in my life that I could have ever imagined.
I have just shared with you a few of the affirmations that I use personally and that I carry with me every day.
What is an affirmation?
My definition is simple. It is the validation of what we believe to be true for ourselves. It is truth as we know it. It is truth as our subconscious mind knows it.
When we validate these beliefs we reinforce our view of the world, our view of ourselves, and our view of our potential. Simply knowing this can be extremely empowering. It makes us aware of the power that we have within us. Whether we know it or not, whether we are conscious of it or not, we are constantly reaffirming our belief in ourselves. We are reaffirming what we believe to be true about ourselves. We may not do this consciously but it is happening every day multiple times during the day.
Let me give you an en example. I know you are likely very good at many things in your life. This has brought you the success you have had so far. Hypothetically, lets say that math is not one of those things. If you were given a complex mathematical equation to solve, you may immediately tell yourself that you cannot solve that problem. You may tell yourself that you are not good in math. You may tell yourself that you never were good in math. You may tell yourself that you never will be good in math. Although you may believe these things to be true which is why you tell yourself these things, you are actually reaffirming and validating that belief.
If telling yourself you are not good at math reaffirms your belief, then it stands to reason that validating just the opposite will tend to reset and reestablish your belief about that subject.
Allow me to explain further. I want to be clear how your belief affects your reality. Let’s say that you begin to affirm and reset your belief that that you are very good at math and that you can solve any math problem given to you. The mere belief does not make it true and does not give you the skills to solve math problems. However, it does set your mind in a place where it will begin to believe that you are capable of solving math problems. When that belief exists, what then begins to happen is that your mind will seek out ways to make sure that you can solve math problems. It will begin to show you ways to either solve these math problems based on your prior education. Or your sub conscious mind will begin to point out things that support your learning of math so that you can be more confident in solving math problems. Your mind will begin to point out opportunities for you to become better at math. You are now setting up an environment where learning math and paying attention to what’s required to learn math become part of your awareness. This will begin to set you up to become more educated and confident in math. It is natural to concern yourself with how will you make it true. Just know this – the genius in you will take care of the ‘how’ if you start with the ‘what’.
Of course if you have no interest in being good in math – then I suggest you focus on something else that has more meaning for your life. This was merely an example of how affirmations and beliefs can affect your outcomes.
I know this sounds pretty conceptual and it may be difficult for you to wrap your mind around it at this point. It may be that you cannot see how your true belief system can change. Nonetheless, it’s true – through choice, you have complete control over your beliefs.
We often give that control away and allow the prevailing thoughts of others or the majority dictate what we believe, but please know that this power resides within you and you have been given the ability to choose and manage what it is you believe about yourself.
What we will be talking about in this blog, at True Life Academy and on the radio show podcasts are the basic building blocks tools skills and practices that are required to build your amazing life. This example of what we say to ourselves and how it impacts our belief system is the very tip of the iceberg in building the foundation for moving forward in the direction of our dreams. If we do not manage and establish a solid base our house of dreams cannot stand. The solid base that we must establish is building our belief system in such a way that it is unshakable.
The anchors for our belief system lie in something much deeper than telling ourselves what we believe. There is a layer to us that is deeper than our mind. That is where the belief system gets anchored. Our mind is where the belief system begins to take shape. The mind is the place where we rationalize, file, store and maintain these beliefs. However where the belief system takes on life itself is at a layer much deeper than our conscious and subconscious mental faculties. We will discuss this deeper anchoring layer another time.
For now, we must learn how to manage and establish the correct mental environment for our belief system to develop. We can then begin to understand how it affects our life. This is paramount to building a belief system that will propel us forward rather than sabotage our future.
Look for Part two of this conversation on my next blog entry.
Also – Join me weekly at Clarence Caldwell’s True Life Academy where we will journey together and discover, build and bridge the life you live today to the life you’ve dreamed of, the life you love, the life you were intended to live.
True Life Academy begins Jan 6th 2014 on Toginet Radio Mondays at 5:00PM PST. Weekly episodes can also be downloaded via podcast on iTunes.
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