August 18, 2014
A quick query on the internet yielded 300 celebrities or notables that have taken their own lives in the last 70 plus years. This does not include the drug overdoses that have taken at least a hundred celebs over this same time period. Some would say those were accidents. I say those are suicides also. I explain why in my latest podcast.
My research shows that a good majority of suicides are preventable but not so much by the person struggling – but by the people around him or her that just miss the signs. Don’t get me wrong. At the end of the day the choice belongs to the individual and that is no one’s responsibility other than the person that decides to end it all. I am so clear about this, that I have reached the conclusion that Suicide is a Selfish Act.
Now before you wag your finger at me and call me unfeeling, remember that we all have a choice to do the things we do. Taking your own life is the ultimate choice. The final choice. If any of you have ever contemplated that act then you will know that there are a thousand things that go through your mind before you commit to that decision. During that period of time thoughts that include what others will say think or go though when you’re gone is part of it. To go forward with the act even after that thought process, leaves me no other opinion than to say this is a Selfish Act.
With that personal view point established – I would also like you to know that I do have a measure of empathy for anyone going through something so horrific that they feel the only way out is to exit this life. That empathy drove me to record a podcast episode on iTunes called ‘When Suicide Seems To Be The Only Answer’.
Or go to iTunes to subscribe and not miss any of the upcoming episodes of Life’s challenges.
You’ll hear me talk about how drug overdose is never an accident. How emotional pain and physical pain play a role. Does assisted Suicide make sense? Is that ok? What all Suicides have in common. Ways to recognize and what to do when you see the possibility of someone going in that direction.
If you would like to make a comment about any of this – go to and leave your comment there. I will respond to you if you request.
Meanwhile –
Listen and enjoy the show.
To your Success and to your True Life.
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