“The EYES are the window to the soul. The HEART is the door. Open the door and let LOVE in and out.” ~ Clarence Caldwell


July 1, 2014

Open Your Heart

“The more blame becomes your norm, the less room you have in your heart for forgiveness.” ~ Clarence Caldwell


June 30, 2014

Blame And Forgiveness Cannot Occupy The Same Space

You have been given the gift of Today. Please take the time to listen and be thankful.


June 29, 2014

Live a Life of Gratitude

The good news is: In life – you get to decide. ~ Clarence Caldwell


June 20, 2014

It’s all in how you choose to look at it…

Remember the Child’s heart in you. Your dreams and reality were (are) the same. Enjoy the flight. ~ Clarence Caldwell – True Life Academy


June 8, 2014

Believe as a child believes

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